Searching for the Perfect Christmas Tree

We started a family tradition a couple of years ago by going to a local Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree.  We love going as a family and searching for the perfect one amid the hundreds of green spruce.  The smell of fresh trees, seeing other families choosing theirs, the warm generosity of the farm owners by giving out hot chocolate to keep us warm as we peruse their wares.  It truly is the most wonderful day for me.

Maybe your idea of the perfect tree is an artificial one that you can save and re-use year after year.  Maybe it’s the little Charlie Brown Christmas tree you can purchase from your local garden center.

Whatever your preference, nothing could replace the smell of a fresh cut tree and family bonding for me.  Happy tree hunting!


It’s finally here!  The day when we all can visit with our family and friends, sit around the table and reminisce about days gone by.  It is the day when we get create delicious meals filled with carbs and calories and stuff ourselves to the point of no return.   The guys usually hang out around the TV watching football and the girls share recipes.  The activities are endless!   There are parades, pumpkin pie eating, and Black Friday sales to plan for!   But maybe what’s missing is the true meaning of Thanksgiving.  This is the day to celebrate our coming together as one nation, freedom, and loved ones.   From the first settlers of this great nation, to the people you see all around you today…we all have something to truly be grateful for.  This is the day that the Lord hath made!  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!  From my home to yours… Happy Thanksgiving 🙂